Endometriosis, which treatment?

On the occasion of the World Endometriosis Day, I wanted to talk about treatments. Can a patient get rid of endometriosis without surgery? The development of endometrial mucosa inside the abdominal cavity is also, in my experience, due to a multiple hormone deficiency syndrome with thyroid, cortisol, and progesterone deficiencies. Hypothyroidism and cortisol deficiency do not allow good ovulation, resulting in progesterone deficiency. One of progesterone’s roles is to relax the uterine wall and prevent unwanted uterine contractions. It is very useful during a pregnancy, for example, as otherwise excessive contractions could lead to a miscarriage. It is also useful to avoid endometriosis. With progesterone deficiency, the uterine body and tubes contract too frequently and anarchically so that islets of endometrium detach from the inner wall of the uterus, penetrate the fallopian tubes, and from there enter into the abdomen and implant themselves in places where they do not belong. Additionally, cortisol deficiency increases the inflammation around the endometrial islets inside the abdominal cavity, increasing pain and suffering.

In my experience, the best treatment is to correct the hormone deficiencies by using hydrocortisone, desiccated thyroid, and progesterone. If pain and inflammation predominate, I prefer using a synthetic cortisol derivative such as prednisolone with DHEA for the first six to nine months of treatment and then later switch to bioidentical hydrocortisone.

*Consult a Doctor before starting a treatment.