COVID-19 – Dr. Gerin’s tips for your vaccination

We are still, after a year, in this pandemic which is becoming more and more difficult to bear.

I always advise my patients to continue taking:

It is essential to stay hydrated, especially during vaccination because in general there is a reaction (more or less important depending on the patient) that begins the night following the injection: shivering, possibly fever the next day (sometimes with nausea and vomiting with Moderna). Before vaccination, I recommend taking 1gr of Paracetamol, and the evening after as well. For patients with a history of venous thrombosis (phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis of the calf or small pelvis, or the presence of familial thrombophilia – Leyden’s disease) I wouldn’t recommend the Astra Zeneca vaccine given the uncertainties. However, if you MUST do the Astra Zeneca vaccine, I recommend maximum hydration & LMWH (Low Molecular Weight Heparin) the day before, the day of the vaccination, and 7 days after.